Nearly half of UK firms still don’t have the IT skills they need

25 April 2022

The skills gap continues to plague businesses

Almost half (40%) of businesses are hindered by an IT skills gap, a new report from cloud provider IONOS Cloud claims.

The company recently polled 609 IT decision-makers in manufacturing, healthcare and insurance sectors, and found that more than a third (34 percent) believes this gap puts them at risk of various security threats.

Further, a quarter said their business isn’t compliant with cybersecurity rules and regulations and, as such, isn’t as secure as it needs to be.

Of all the different threats, businesses in the UK are mostly worried about distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, phishing and scams, employees downloading unapproved apps and improperly storing data.

The good news is that businesses are well aware of the importance of cybersecurity; for most, it’s one of the biggest priorities right now. That said, just a third have conducted a cybersecurity risk assessment in the last 12 months, while 12 percent have no intention of doing one in the future.

For the report’s authors, these findings demonstrate a “lack of understanding regarding the importance of risk monitoring”.

“What’s clear from the new insights is that businesses understand the importance of both cyber security and data protection, but missing skillsets are leaving organizations extremely vulnerable,” said Achim Weiss, CEO of IONOS.

“That’s why it’s vital companies put measures in place to plug these gaps, and don’t hesitate to work with external expertise to ensure businesses are protected.”

By Sead Fadilpašić

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